Friday, January 25, 2013

Portland State REU receives renewed funding from NSF!

For those students who took a gamble on applying to our program while we were waiting to hear on the status of our renewal proposal, rest assured--we have received NSF funding! This is the fourth renewal we have received, which will allow us to operate the program through 2015. We are proud to have continuously improved our program each year since it started in 2001. Thank you to all of the past participants who contributed to our success by completing our survey. Your responses are invaluable for demonstrating the lasting impact of our REU program.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Applications for Summer 2013 Now Open

The online application for the 2013 Summer REU at Portland State is now open. However, applicants should be aware that we will not have confirmed funding until at least March. We will not make any firm offers until funding has been settled. This REU has been a successful and productive site for twelve years. We believe we have a strong chance of having our NSF funding renewed for a for another three-year period.